Animal products industry is the most destructive industry on the planet. 1/2 of Earth’s surface (North America, South America, Europe and Australia combined) is being used to produce animals for your consumption or growing produce to feed them.
Vaclav Smil from MIT does a great talk on how we are “harvesting the biosphere“.
Humans and their domesticated livestock have pretty much replaced the wild fauna from our biosphere.

How many animals are slaughtered every second? What is the impact a plant based diet can have on the environment? Feeding grain to cows and then eating the cow reduces the efficiency of food by a factor of 20.
Maybe it is time for a SIMIAN DIET rather than a PALEO DIET.
Boyd Eaton, one of the originators of paleo diet is now promoting whole foods plant based diet. According to his calculations, the meat based paleo diet can support only 200 million people on this planet. Plant crops can support 10 billion people.
Avoiding meat and dairy is the best way to reduce your carbon footprint.

If Genesis Butler can talk to the pope about it and talk on the TED stage…