Skunkbush sumac, three leaf sumac, sourberry. All synonyms for beauty! This is one of many sumac varietals. Sumacs are related to cashews, mangos, pistachios and poison ivy. Sourberry is native to Colorado. Wikipedia says “the bark has been chewed or brewed into a drink for cold symptoms, the berries eaten for gastrointestinal complaints and toothache, and the leaves and roots boiled and eaten for many complaints. The leaves have also been smoked. The flexible branches were useful and sought after for twisting into basketry and rugs. The berries, although sour, are edible. They can be baked into bread or mixed into porridge or soup. Steeped, they can make a tea or tart beverage similar to lemonade. The fruit can also be eaten directly, although a bit of salt may improve the flavor. ” As far as I am concerned, it makes for a great hike during fall!!