- (According to my grandma) Think of the stomach as made of 4 parts. Fill 1/2 with food, 1/4 with water, leave 1/4 empty for air.
- So…..drink a glass of water before any meal.
- Do not eat anything within 2 hours of bedtime. Dinner should be the smallest meal. “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper!”
- Walk after your evening meal.
- Small dinner plates People who use smaller dinner plates eat 30% less food.
- High contrast plates – plate should not match the color of the food. If food color blends with your plate color you eat more.
- Put away 1/3rd of what you usually eat. Do not go back for seconds.
- Eat slowly. That way the brain has a chance to process your hunger/satiety signals. Americans say “I am full.” French say “I am not hungry any more.” There is a significant amount of food consumed between being “not hungry” and being “full”. A good book – French Women Don’t Get Fat talks about this concept.
- Weigh yourself every morning at the same time. If you see an upward trend, it is time to start decreasing caloric intake.
- Predominantly plant based diet. Precede main course with soup or salad. In one study participants consumed 20% fewer calories when they started their meals with soup.
- Dinner as a way to socialize, not just to consume calories.
The only time I have seen patients lose weight in my clinical practice is when they restrict calories.
There is a growing body of research on fasting and intermittent caloric restriction.